Using the Model Comparison Widget

The model comparison widget uses the notion of compatibility to compare two models h1 and h2. The widget itself uses two graphs to display this comparison:

1. A Venn diagram that displays the overlaps between the set of misclassified instances produced by h1 and the set of misclassified instances produced by model h2.

2. A histogram that shows the number of incompatible instances, i.e. instances which have been misclassified by h2 but not by h1, on a per-class basis.

A tabular view is also provided, that allows the user to explore the instances which have been misclassified. This tabular view is connected to both the Venn diagram and the histogram, and gets filtered based on how the user interacts with both those graphs.

The following is an image of the model comparison widget.


How to Use the ModelComparison API

The model comparison widget accepts two models which are classifiers, h1 and h2. It also accepts a batched dataset consisting of a list of triples of the form:

[batch_of_instance_ids, batch_of_instance_data, batch_of_ground_truth_labels]

An optional parameter is a function passed in as a keyword parameter called get_instance_image_by_id which is a function that returns a PNG image for a given instance id. This is what allows the error instances table to display an image representation of each instance. If this parameter is not specified, then the image representation of the instance defaults to a blank PNG image.

An additional optional parameter is device, which tells it whether it needs to run the comparison on the GPU. This depends on whether your models are on the GPU or not.

With all the parameters as specified above, the widget may be invoked:

model_comparison = ModelComparison(h1, h2, train_loader,

Within a Jupyter Notebook the above will render the component.

An example notebook which walks you through a working example may be found at ./examples/model-comparison-MNIST from the BackwardCompatibilityML project root.

Integrating the Model Comparison Widget

The data used to summarize the comparison of the models h1 and h2 and display the results int he widget, are all pre-computed at the time of instantiation of the widget. This data is then passed directly to the widget UI at the time of rendering. And as such, any interactions tht the user performs with the widget, simply re-render the widget using this pre-computed data.

Integration should just involve pre-computing the comparison data and making sure that it is passed to the javascript component at render time.

The relevant places to see where this happens are within the following files.

  • backwardcompatibilityml/widgets/model_comparison/resources/widget.html
  • backwardcompatibilityml/widgets/model_comparison/

The Flask service is only used to field the requests from the widget UI that are needed to render the image representation of the widgets. This is currently done within the file backwardcompatibilityml/

It should be possible to do away with the Flask service in theory, if we simply pre-render each image as a base64 encoded data URL and include that in the UI. However this risks making the UI a bit slow to load.